The one where I took after my friends
So it's April 28, and even today I got a coupla notes and comments that brought back some memories.
Last year my friends Brian and Becca traveled around the world. They didn't hit Africa, but overall it was a much more extensive trip than mine and I'm still jealous.
Their blog is well worth reading, but for now you should really read some musings they posted while in China:
Read this
Then read this
Once you've done that, this might make more sense.
I just got your postcard today about running into Laura. That is so crazy! Kath and I were both very excited, as Kath and Laura are also friends. After gett8hg the card, I searched for her name on the site, then started reading backwards. So I found the Harvard thing--and was bummed that we would not be neighbors anymore. Now, having read this, I realize you were full of it. Good one! Anyway, looks like you are having an amazing trip, and I'm so glad for you. Thanks for sending me the postcard. But here is my question-I know I know Laura, but do I know Scott? Looking forward to your return!
Oh, so taken. As one who reads only monthly or so (e.g. last Friday), and has trouble with the day of the week, never mind day of whichever month, how would I get any meaning from the date of the posting. I wouldn't, so I skip it.
For the record, I am tuning in two days later to find out more about lion bites and hippos.
But hold on! I had a mathematical meta-business question. What was it. Oh. Got it.
In an economy, vigorous competition leads to an efficient market. Often this leads to the lowest possible pricing for consumers, as well as innovation and business opportunities for the suppliers of goods and services. But, I observe there are a lot of pretty dim people out there. It occurs to me there might be vigorous competition to extract money from dim people. How do I articulate the actual "market" which is more efficient because of it, and who/how do people, businesses, or society benefit from this particular efficiency?
Neens, Scott went to Olaf with Laura and played Ultimate with me in 1995. He's not one of those wacky SPaitcHsters.
Originally it was a dual degree program in metabusiness and botany ("...and also, I like plants...") but I thought that would be too obvious.
Rik, I went to a market on Friday. I bought some bowls, some trivets and such, a bottle opener, Helen (Allen's niece), and a knife. It was an actual market.
And a lot of the shops sell the same stuff, though not at fixed prices, so there's vigorous competition to extract money from foreign people.
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