Sunday, November 11, 2007

The one where it's November

There're too many people involved and too much time to go for me to really get too interested at this point in the presidential primaries. And I know that I won't vote in mine until February, or offer housing to some RNC protesters until next summer.

And sometimes you see election results from a couple of random races around the country on some random day in April. I usually figure it's just a primary somewhere with a weird schedule or that someone died or something. So that's what I thought of this week when I saw that Haley Barbour romped again in Mississippi and that the Democrats picked up a governor in Kentucky.

Turns out, it was a normal election day, and I completely missed it. There was none of the stuff you need to pay attention to on off years (or at least I didn't know about it). We just had our city races in 2005, and I don't randomly come across the STrib's election supplement in the lunch room anymore to find out about the park board or library council candidates and remind me it's time to vote.

It's been years since I've missed an election. And I didn't even realize I'd missed it until I happened to glance at the header while reading paper this morning, the first time I'd gotten an actual newspaper in weeks rather than just reading the e-version. Uh, it's November 11th already.

Even the fact that it's Veterans Day didn't clue me in--I just thought I was confused about Memorial Day when I heard people talking about it coming up. (Apparently very confused--I had to mix it up with Labor Day first before I could confuse it with this one...)

So vets, thanks for your sacrifices. Sorry I haven't been honoring them and have been completely unengaged,


Becky Wright said...

also, Seth, there weren't any elections in minneapolis, so you didn't actually miss anything!
becky w

Unknown said...

Seth, I didn't even realize it was an election year. Thanks for reminding me.

Oh, and speaking of things that need to get done, my drivers license expires Jan 1, but I have no plane ticket home to minnesota to renew it before then, and I can't fly without an ID. I might never get back!
